Popular Press Articles
2022 Articles
The Wrong Sanctions — Other Ideas
Principia Scientific Intl.

oil barrels
The world is fretting over "too high" natural gas (NG) and crude oil (CO) prices, especially those that are already sold at discounts to the
prevailing "Brent" and "West Texas" CO benchmark prices, commodities that are sold in large volumes by Russia.
A Second Coming?
Canada Free Press (2022)

Old style typewriter
Ever seen one of those machines as in the pic nearby?
If so, you either were visiting a museum - or are born a long time ago. Actually, I typed many pages, including my scientific theses on a similar device.
The "Man in the Moon"
Canada Free Press (2022), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2022)

Chilkoot Pass climb, 1898 (Klondike Gold Rush)
NASA's new Artemis-1 Moon rocket is certainly impressive but it's just thought of as a stepping stone to a futuristic landing of astronauts (again) on the Moon and, in the more distant future, on Planet Mars.
Dear Cousins Sam (in Shubenacadie, NS) and Phil (in Punxsutawney, PA)
Canada Free Press (2022)

Wiarton Willie
I'll confess, my Dearest, Wilhemina, and I slept in this morning - blame it on the great party last night at our neighbours in the woods of Ontario.
We live in "Denmark" now
... in order to not run afoul of those local [COVID] edicts, we used a simple solution: renamed our abode "Denmark." As you may have heard already, Denmark
just did away with all previous restrictions of the kind.
OPEN LETTER TO: Minister F. Tassi
Canada Free Press (2022)

Tassi's calendar cover-photo
Dear Minister Tassi, Thank you for your calendar with "Canadian Wildlife" photos.
Already, the picture on the front cover, two "Whitetail deer", is a sub-species that's only found in the southern U.S. states -- and NOT in Canada...
What a sad example of ministerial responsibility and leadership.
Suppressing Your Immune System
Canada Free Press (2021), and
Principia Scientific Intl. [submitted] (2022)

Artistic rendition
From the initial "flattening of the curve" idea to, at first 60%, by now nearly 85+% of double/triple vaxxed people, the hospital wards are now claimed to be getting overrun by such "immuno-compromised" patients. Why?
Selected 2021 Articles
We Need Answers To These Questions, Minister Elliott
Canada Free Press (2021), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2021)

Getting a jab
Dear Minister Elliott,
Many of Ontario’s citizens are increasingly anxious about the — apparently never-ending restrictions — of their former activities and undertakings to
earn a living. No doubt, you are aware of such strains on our lives — all due to the government’s COVID-19 (plus “variants’) restrictions.
Helium — from Abundance to Scarcity
Canada Free Press (2021), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2021)

A blimp
Helium is not something that can be easily "mined", even as a byproduct of other mining operations (like for iron, copper, and other metals and Earth's resource
kinds of deposits). In fact, it's mostly a "byproduct" of natural gas that requires special processing technology and energy-consuming conditions.
Spelunking on Mars
Canada Free Press (2021), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2021)
Well, the term “spelunking” may not be quite right here, so let me correct it to “surviving.”
Presumably you know already about the great drive to have mankind settle on planet Mars. (Supposedly, as some folks claim, planet Earth will become inhabitable,
sometime, in the very distant future, like many thousands or even millions of years from now).
Will the Goose be cooked?
Canada Free Press (2021), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2021)

Canada geese & goslings
In recent decades Canada geese have even become some sort of nuisance. Between a high fertility rate, few natural predators, and lots of city folks feeding them in winter, many decided to forgo the long-distance migrations to warmer climes when winter approached.
That also removed the need to travel north again in spring, giving the local population a head-start on multiplying and expanding their range.
A National Emergency
Canada Free Press (2021), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2021)

corona virus warning sign
COVID restrictions are rapidly falling by the way-side, except for, can you imagine, the operations of STRIP-JOINTS.
I know it's hard to believe-but true nonetheless.
Many folks have been waiting patiently, 15 months or so for such novel freedoms. You can soon get a (legal) haircut (by appointment only), or get your toe nails clipped before they approach some new Guinness Book-of-Records size-all welcome manifestations of "post-pandemic" normalcy of life.
When will these "COVID-Vaccines" become APPROVED?
Canada Free Press (2021), and
Ice Age Now (2021), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2021)

Pfizer-BioNTech vial & label
Short of accepting, without question, any and all globalist ideas, claimed to be for "protection," clear answers to those questions about long-term safety are urgently needed.
Undeniable fact: "Carbon Dioxide" is NOT a "pollutant" but a Giver of Life
Canada Free Press (2021) [abbreviated vs.], and
Ice Age Now (2021), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2021)

Rt. Hon. J. Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
Undisputed Scientific Facts:
• Without that CO2 in the atmosphere, all life on Earth would cease to exist!
• Without that CO2 in the atmosphere, no oxygen would be produced; CO2 is/has been the sole source of molecular oxygen (that we breathe in with each breath)!
• Without the steady supply of CO2 from the thousands of active volcanoes and fumaroles, life on Earth would have already come to a standstill.
• Without that CO2 in the atmosphere, oceans and (most) fresh waters would become “acidified.”
• Without the use of carbon-type resources (like coal, oil, and natural gas), the world cannot continue.
• Without continued reliance on carbon-energy, much of Canada’s population would simply freeze to death in the next few winters.
Dear Cousins Punxsutawney Phil and Wiarton Willie
Canada Free Press (2021)

Oddly enough, "cases" of the common flu appear to have practically vanished with the rise of COVID-19 "cases."
More Evidence — of Water on Mars
Canada Free Press (2021), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2021)

Speed Bump cartoon, litter on Mars
As some of my valued Dear Readers may have become accustomed, every once in a while I'll have some (mostly irreverent) posts on that Martian thing. What made me chuckle today was the cartoon of the series on "Speed Bump(s)" by cartoonist Dave Coverly.
Welcome to 2021!

Selected 2020 Articles
The Meaningless Meaning of 'COVID Cases'
Canada Free Press (2020), and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2021)

What differentiates the "common flu" from "COVID-19"?
Most interesting, at least in my mind is that "evidence of pneumonia" — by the U.S. CDC's Clinical Criteria this definition alone — now qualifies as a clinical evidence of COVID-19 "infection."
Ice Age Now (2020)

carved moose antler
Not about your backyard shed.
If you are tired of COVID and elections, perhaps you may like Sheds ... ">
Forget Science — subscribe to Nihilism instead — NOT REALLY!
Canada Free Press (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020)

a park bench
As it appears, simply destroying statues of explorers, statesmen, or other notables from centuries past no longer satisfies the current lust for mayhem of the "forward-looking progressive minds."
Education is vital to the "survival of the fittest."
Hagia Sophia a church before it was a mosque
The Hamilton Spectator (2020)

photo credit: JoJan via Wikipedia
The Hagia Sophia was the first major Christian church in Asia Minor. Its visible foundations and other stone relics date back to the third and fourth century, well before the arrival of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed (570-632).
Which is going to die first — corona virus fever or climate change?
Principia Scientific Intl., and
Canada Free Press (2020)
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2020)

world in flames & corona virus
The news is dire and, in some ways getting worse. There are more reported "cases" of corona virus infections every day and, as of late, more "climate change" alarmism, sometimes in the same breath.
A Lack of useful Information
Canada Free Press, and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020)

Government advice on hand-washing
Household bleach to be used as a spray for disinfection:
I strongly recommend against that!
Its highly caustic properties can easily cause painful burns on the skin, respiratory problems, and blindness in eyes.
Pandemic Pandemonium Panic Poker
Canada Free Press, and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Long Room (2020)

Racing dromedaries and jockeys; source Wikipedia
The sky is falling, Chicken Little said so. And Foxy Loxy is licking his lips in anticipation.
COVID-19 virus is nearly everywhere, "City Killer" asteroids are whizzing by earth, apparently at increasing frequency and a few million miles closer day by day, the oceans are said to be rising by leaps and bounds, ....
Dear Palladium, — (a chemist's confession)
Principia Scientific Intl., and
Ice Age Now (2020)

Moissanite jewellery
My venerable flame of yore -- long lost but not forgotten!
But what's 50 years between lovers? I hope you still remember me, ...
"Free Solar Energy" — for only $2+ per kWh
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Canada Free Press (2020)
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2020)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2020)

Crescent Dunes solar plant
As reported by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project has stopped operating and has been "mothballed."
Let's outlaw the Weather
(and the Climate, too)
Principia Scientific Intl., and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Canada Free Press (2020)
controlled (indoor) weather
It's true! It's true!
The crown has made it clear,
the climate must be perfect all the year.
Mid-Winter Musings from the Underground in Punxsutawney, PA, USA
Canada Free Press, and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Long Room (2020)

Punxsutawney Phil
My Dear Cousins Wiarton Willie (in Ontario) and Shubenacadie Sam (in Nova Scotia) in the Great White North of CANADA, ...
Wildfires and Virtual Reality
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2020), and
Ice Age Now (2020), and
Virtual Reality (2020)

Embellished satellite shot of Kalimantan & enlargement
A recent news post at Gizmodo claims to show "The Satellite Images That Show a Decade of Climate Change." Needless to say, it was widely mentioned in the mainstream media.
Welcome to 2020!

Selected 2019 Articles
Need a novel New Year's Resolution? —
Try Climate Obsession!
Principia Scientific Intl., and
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Canada Free Press (in press), and
Long Room (2019), and
Beyond Landscheidt (2019), and news services.
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2020)

Temperatures on Mars
If you are thinking about making New Year's Resolutions to soothe your conscience, I suggest you venture from the beaten path. Pumping iron and exercising ...
The New Moose Express
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

moose drawing sleighs
... the Moose Express, is the northern equivalent of the famous Pony Express, a top-speed transcontinental delivery service of news between the continent's ...
Why Canada needs a CARBON BENEFIT —
not a 'CARBON TAX'
Ice Age Now (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press [in press]
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)

taxing your CO2 emissions
Yes, you read that right, Canadians (and others) should be encouraged (tax-wise) to consume carbon-type fuel and NOT be (carbon-)taxed for that!
The Fluorine Conundrum
Canada Free Press, and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)

invasive sea-lamprey
The element fluorine (with the chemical notation "F") is in the crosshairs of many do-gooders these days. That isn't new but appears to have recently gained momentum. For example ...
Us Super-Mutants
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

NASA "boarding pass"
As Fox News reports, once man (and woman, I presume) have become settled on Mars, evolution to super-mutant Marslings (or similar) is inevitable.
Glyphosate — the End of Aspirin?
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
QOSHE (2019)

Aspirin label, aspirin & glyphosate structures
Long live aspirin and glyphosate!
Ocean Power Generating Systems —
Going Nowhere Fast
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)
Also translated into German by A. Demmig for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2019)

investment quality ocean
The number of companies that hoped in vain (some still do) to harness ocean power for "free energy" is steadily increasing. One of the latest outfits not doing so well ...
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)

19th century clipper, Roundup bottle
... the term "to jury-rig" means "to erect, construct, or arrange in a makeshift fashion" a temporary device to help you out in a pinch when there are no better alternatives available.
Gretafication — a new Syndrome
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Principia Scientific Australia (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)
Also translated into German by C. Frey for the
Europ. Inst. f. Climate & Energy, EIKE (2019)

Climate demonstration. Photo credit: Reuters
... there is a new type of virulence afflicting the world, particularly in Europe, i.e. the "Gretafication Syndrome."
Recommendations for
5G Communication Systems Testing
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2019)

serious concerns
Due to the higher attenuation in the atmosphere and the expected increased communication demand, ... , the 5G system will require an ubiquitous coverage.
In practice, that means a 5G transmission tower "on every city block" or so.
5G Wireless Broadband and how (not) to Boil Eggs
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Canada Free Press (2019), and
NoPaperNews (2019)

new technology
The new 5G wireless broadband technology that is said to be rolled out soon for wireless communication everywhere has some people concerned about potential health effects.
Other Recent Publications by the Author
On the Formation of Atolls — Proposed Modification of Darwin's Theory
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019), and
Ice Age Now (2019)
Also translated into Italian by M. Sesler for
Attività Solare (2019)

Atolls — how they came about and why they didn't become islands.
The Carbon Cycle and Royal Society Math
Principia Scientific Intl. (2019)
Other Books by the Author
of chemicals to Photobacterium phosphoreum.
KLE, Devillers J. Gordon and Breach Science Publ., ISBN:
2-88124-974-4, (1994).
in Environmental Toxicology - II.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D.
Reidel Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-2555-1, (1987).
in Environmental Toxicology.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D. Reidel
Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-1776-1, (1984).
Some other publications by the
Evolution of the
International Workshops on Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationships (QSARs) in Environmental Toxicology.
& QSAR Env. Res., 18: 3-20 (2007).
Data Sources.
Chapter 2 in Predicting Chemical
Toxicity and Fate. Cronin MTD, Livingstone DJ (eds.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton, (2004).
Catalysis —
where we should apply it now!
Can. Chemical News,
ACCN, 50(7/8): 27 (1999).
Hydrogen, fuel of
the future?
Can. Chemical News, ACCN, 50(5):
29 (1999).
Erroneous Data: Avenues for Detection and
Quintessence, 1(4): 13-16 (1995).
[Contact author for reprint].